Discover our talent strategies and medical facility consulting that delivers on the mission of healthcare and empowers the future of your care provision.
People are at the heart of everything you do. We help you plan, acquire and onboard talent as well as provide unique integrated hospital management and tech-enabled solutions unpderpin your provision patient care excellence.
We are the first and only medical talent solution provider who is accredited to license your medial teams.
We develop applications and technology solutions that deliver meet today’s challenges and deliver tangible results.
Outsourcing that supports your day to day operational excellence, seasonal requirements or cyclical needs.
Change is a difficult path. We can help you educe the challenges of transformation We can help you to achieve your goals faster.
Bring speed, visibility, structure, and accountability to your supply chain requirements and management processes.
We help medical facilities provide the highest quality care through innovative healthcare solutions that deliver outstanding patient experiences.
We help medical facilities provide the highest quality care through innovative healthcare solutions that deliver outstanding patient experiences.
We are a recognized healthcare partner who builds robust and trusted healthcare teams alongside seamless operations that deliver continuous sustainable for your healthcare business.
“Global Medical Solutions ensures Healthcare Organisations are competitively positioned within today’s evolving marketplace. Our multi-disciplinary team of hospital and healthcare leaders, planners, physicians, nurses, recruitment and logistics specialists provide solutions tailored to meet complex and specialized healthcare industry requirements.”
Zakaria Al Abri, Chief Operating Officer